Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The green movement delay

        last week in class we talked about how colleges are going green. Colleges then get grades on how well they are doing Western Michigan University got a B+ one of the higher grades in the state. With my second degree in supply chain management i was wondering if they had a grading system for companies. 
        When I did a little research and the most recent article i could find was from 2009.  It was shocking to find out how bad most companies did.  They were judged in six different categories, which included chain of custody, endangered forests, plantations, responsible forestry, recycling and reduction, and other leadership. The section of companies that did the best where office retail sectors. with the average overall grade of a B. The worst company was officemax whose grade in endangered forests was a D+. I found this crazy that some companies as big as this cared so little.
       The worst section was the most common general retail. This group included Target, Walmart/Sam’s Club, Amazon.com, and Costco. With the best out of this group being Target who still got a D+ grade. The worst was Costco who got F’s across the board except in recycling and reduction. When reading more I found out that Costco had no plans to change anything in there supply chain management ways. Walmart has started to work with conservation groups to learn a little bit on how to become better overall they have a lot of room to improve since they are at a D+ right now. 
         A big reason I decided to double major was because I figured most companies would start to change, their has been a few. I never would have thought that a lot of these major companies would be so poor in taking care of our planet. The companies that allow lower prices normally did worst on their grades I started to wonder when will these companies have to change there ways. 

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